Now, you may have seen Ruben's tube before. That's basically a pipe with a bunch of holes in it, and you pump inflammable gas, and light it on fire, so you basically create a row of Bunsen burners. What's really coolis to play some sounds into the tube, and you can actually set up standing waves. Thatis, there are areas, there are patterns of the vibration of the air where there's a lot of vibration in some parts and not very much vibration in other parts. Now, that affects the flow rate of the gas inside that tube into the atmosphere, and so it affects the height of those flames. So basically, you can visualize the standing wave pattern. I'm currently in Denmark with a team of physics and chemistry demonstrators who have taken this experiment to the next level. They've actually created a two-dimensional Ruben'stube, a whole plane of Bunsen burners, effectively. How many holes in this tube? - 2,500 - 2,500 in this Pyro Board? - Yeah - So we're gonna s...
Hey guys, Today I am gonna teach you 3 learning hacks that Works!, So let's get the start. 1. TESTING TO FAILURE In this hack, this method is known as HYPERCORRECTION EFFECT. According to science, If you make some mistake with some type of information and remembered that wrong information you will be remembered that mistake and never do it again. For example, if you are remembering the Toronto is the capital of Canada instead of Ottawa, Your brain hypercorrects this information and you will easily remember it FOREVER. 2. SPACING The second method is spacing which means take breaks long enough that you almost forget that information. First of all, you should remember or write that information you want to remember then take a long break or forgot that information for a time and then again read or try to remember that information again. One particular study has students learning SPANISH, There are two groups...